Lee Tan

Kona-ba kbiit ne'ebé mak perdaun: Anas nia istória | husi Kathryn Lee

Hanoin to'ok nia tuku odomatan ema ne'ebé oho ninia aman tinan 12 liu ba nian, no depois simu ninia konvite atu ba han-kalan.

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Moradores Blue Mountain nian hametin lasus ho Timor-Leste | husi Makayla Muscat

Hafoin independénsia Timor-Leste nian, iha tinan 2007 Kamara Municipal Blue Mountains nian estabelese akordu amizade formál ida entre Kamara Munisipal Blue Mountains no Hatobuilico hodi apoio desisoens ne’be Timor-oan sira foti.

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Jacinto Nia Istória | husi Kathryn Lee

Moris iha tinan 1976, tinan ida hafoin Indonesia okupa nasaun ki'ik Timor-Leste, Jacinto Mende Pereira, hanesan ho Timoroan rihun ba rihun, ne'ebé boot iha fatin funu rezisténsia nia laran.

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The Hidden Stories of People You May Know | husi Emily Azzopardi

Naive and sweet, young and petite, she sits quietly, pen in her hand. Watching every move of the teacher, listening to every word slip off her tongue. Grateful for this education, this day seems to be one for learning. As every moment passes, she starts to feel weary. In a flash everything changes, she’s caught in the futility of a war.

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Feto Forte, Nasaun Forte | husi Kathryn Lee

Iha nasaun ida ne'ebé dala barak gosta liu oan mane duke oan-feto sira, Fundasaun Alola homan dadaun mudansa.

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Arezo Younes: Lian ida ba feto sira ne'ebé la iha lian maka'as iha Afghanistan | husi Makayla Muscat

Iha tinan ruanulu liubá, Arezo Younes hetan estatutu refujiadu iha Australia hafoin halai husi rejime Taliban hamutuk ho nia inan no alin mane nain tolu. Hahu hosi tempu neeba, nia sai ona lian ne'ebé importante ba feto afegan sira iha mundu tomak no hein atu eduka ema seluk kona-ba dezafiu sira ne'ebé imigrante sira hasoru. Ohin loron, nia sai nu'udar figura publiku, ativista direitu feto nian, autora, no estudante jornalizmu nian iha Universidade Western Sydney.

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